The Terminal List 2022 - Amazon Original Series
Genre: Action, Drama, Thriller, Suspense Rating: TV-MA Synopsis: Navy SEAL Commander James Reece turns to vengeance as he investigates the mysterious forces behind the murder of his entire platoon. Free from the military’s command structure, Reece applies the lessons he’s learned from nearly two decades of warfare to hunt down the people responsible. Let me start by saying that this is definitely not what I would usually watch. But honestly, for Chris Pratt, I will at least try. And overall I'm glad I did. That being said I have to just say wow, just wow. Chris's performance was just incredible. The supporting cast also did amazing with what they were given but really Chris's reach in this series is just mind-blowing. I really worried that I could not take him seriously in this type of role but he really did show his range with this. Now for the bad part. I couldn't help but compare the TV show to a drawn-out version of Sylvester Stallone's Rambo. Si...