Jurassic World Camp Cretaceous - Season 5 - Netflix Original

Genre: Animation, Action, Adventure, Family, Science Fiction

Rating: TV PG

Synopsis: Teens attending an adventure camp on the opposite side of Isla Nublar must band together to survive when dinosaurs wreak havoc on the island.

Previous seasons do need to be watched to understand the relationships between the group and what they've been through so far. If you've seen the Jurassic World movies, including the most recent it will add some missing details but it's not necessary to watch them before. 

I would recommend watching the Jurassic World Dominion movie before the last episode so that some revelations during the show will make sense and will avoid spoilers if you haven't seen the movie. 

Season 5 is the last season so it had high expectations to finish with a bang and wrap up any loose ends. With a total of 12 episodes, this time around I did think it was the perfect amount, with the exception of Episode 5 which I thought was pretty much a filler. 

Worse: Episode 5 - The Leap. Had no/little story progression and felt like a filler episode.

Best: Episode 12 - The season finale wrapped up the entire show perfectly and connected to the most recent movie beautifully.

Final thoughts

This season was emotional for many reasons. Those familiar with the show will see each character has grown so much during the course of the entire show. However this season it is made crystal clear that they have changed in many ways, both good and bad. The season was wrapped up beautifully and the last few scenes just made it even more amazing. I only wish I could watch the kids grow up more, see where else they go and what they do. 

9 out of 10. Highly Recommend. Anyone who loves dinosaurs and can handle the tense situations the kids find themselves in will love this show. 


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