Alien Romulus (2024)
Genre: Horror, Sci-Fi, Thriller Rating: R Synopsis: While scavenging the deep ends of a derelict space station, a group of young space colonists come face to face with the most terrifying life form in the universe. *** You all know what a huge Alien fan I am so when this came out I wasted no time in going to see it at the theatre. All the movies in the franchise have been hit or miss for me, but for this one, I have mixed feelings. They tried to include so many things that the story at times felt jumbled and though including one or two callbacks to the original Alien movie was welcomed and pretty cool. However, including one of the cast members was, in my opinion, a big mistake. Without giving away spoilers it is hard to discuss this aspect of the movie, however since it happens early on, you can pretty much predict some of the outcome of the meeting. I sincerely appreciated going back to the practical effects and what they were trying to do, but sadly there were times it shined