The Scorch Trials (The Maze Runner, Book 2) By James Dashner


Published: October 12, 2010

Genre: Science Fiction, Dystopian, Mystery, Adventure

Rating: PG13 

Synopsis:  Thomas was sure that escape from the Maze would mean freedom for him and the Gladers. But WICKED isn’t done yet. Phase Two has just begun.

   The Gladers have two weeks to cross through the Scorch—the most burned-out section of the world. And WICKED has made sure to adjust the variables and stack the odds against them.
   Friendships will be tested. Loyalties will be broken. All bets are off.
   There are others now. Their survival depends on the Gladers’ destruction—and they’re determined to survive.

This book is where the main storyline changes dramatically from the movie. This actually made the review a lot easier as it's not a side-by-side comparison like the first. 
I will state for the record that scorch trials is my favorite movie from the franchise but I promise I did my best to remain neutral. 

The Scorch Trials waste no time in throwing you back with Thomas and the gang as they face a new unknown situation. Yet sadly right away the book crawls to a halt and then stalls by giving so much exposition from one person during just one 'scene'. Honestly those few pages of the exposition I thought I was reading a history book. The first book did so well dropping information but this one decided to dump everything into their lap. Literally giving them instructions. And it happens more than once which definitely caused an eye roll.

On the plus side, the Cranks were just as terrifying as I expected. In fact, in one particular scene, they were a million times creepier... and I LOVED it.  

In the first book, the grievers were considered the biggest threat. This time around it's the Cranks at different stages of the virus. And then out of the blue, they tried to add a new creature, that just seemed like a discount griever. Even the main characters make comments about grievers the entire time. For me, it would have worked better to just throw the original grievers in the mix instead of adding something new that late in the book. And I mean really late in the book. 

Also, there was no clear goal for the group so they seemed to just be wandering around aimlessly for most of the book. Even though right at the beginning they are told which direction and how many miles to travel. After everything they've been through it seemed so out of character that they would just go along with what they were told. 

The thing I hated most about the first book, what makes Thomas and Teresa extra special, they tried to use it in this one and for me, it still doesn't work. I wish they would have removed it and not made it a plot point. Honestly, it just got redundant and did nothing to help the already confusing and at times frustrating situations. I will say again for this book, the movie Teresa and her storyline were still a million times better. 

Final thoughts

Sadly this one missed the mark for me. I can see why this one didn't do as well as the first when it was first released. However, the Cranks were amazing and for me almost made up for everything else. But not quite.

5 out of 10. Readable but only once. 

Always Keep Fighting. 

You Are Enough. 


A R Pliley



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