Beetlejuice Beetlejuice (2024)
Genre: Action, Adventure, Comedy, Sci-Fi Rating: PG-13 Synopsis: After a family tragedy, three generations of the Deetz family return home to Winter River. Still haunted by Beetlejuice, Lydia's life is turned upside down when her teenage daughter, Astrid, accidentally opens the portal to the Afterlife. *** The juice is loose once again and this time it brings a teenage daughter along for the ride. I was torn about viewing this movie as the first is a classic and I hate the idea that they would ruin it. Thankfully it was better than I thought it would be. Having most of the original cast definitely helped. Each original cast member fell into their roles seamlessly and picked up right where they left off. Catherine O'Hara and Winona Ryder were simply a joy to watch as mother and daughter once again. On the other hand, a huge disappointment for me was some of the new characters they introduced. Though Jenna Ortega and Justin Theroux trie...