Puss in Boots: The Last Wish 2022
Genre: Adventure, Animation, Comedy, Fantasy, Family Rating: PG Synopsis: When Puss in Boots discovers that his passion for adventure has taken its toll and he has burned through eight of his nine lives, he launches an epic journey to restore them by finding the mythical Last Wish. Honestly, I am seriously shaken to my core by this movie. I love the Shrek movies and when I heard they were making another Puss in Boots I was not expecting much. The first movie was great, about a 7.5, but I wasn't rushing out to watch this one. I was so wrong to wait. This movie has everything. Action, romance, fantasy, a great storyline, a terrifying villain, and an amazing twist. Once I finished watching it, my son and I had to watch it a second time. I honestly could write a crazy long post just gushing about how amazing the villain of this movie is. Wagner Moura is a name I will most definitely be on the lookout for. His portrayal was just terrifying and awesome all at the...